They call something like small houses of pleasure. But, they have nothing to do with that characterization may give the impression at first glance, although it admits that he served for some flirtations, away from prying eyes. But in essence, are, in fact, constructions of large old houses, that we name quintas, of Funchal, Madeira island, in geral, at the ends of gardens, usually with good sea views and located near the road. Can be seen as a continuation of the gardens where you could have tea, read a book and talk.
Some time ago I published a place like this, but with a different architecture. This one, of a large farm in the capital that will be transformed into an exquisite five-star hotel, right in the heart of the city of Funchal.
Chamam-se Casinhas de prazer. Não têm nada a ver com o que a caracterização pode fazer crer numa primeira leitura, embora se admita que também servisse para alguns namoricos, longe de olhares indiscretos. Mas, na sua essência, são, na realidade, construções de grandes casas antigas do Funchal, e da Madeira, em regra, situadas nas extremidades dos jardins, geralmente com boa vista para o mar e junto à estrada. Podem ser vistas como continuação dos jardins onde se podia tomar um chá, ler um livro e conversar.
Há algum tempo publiquei uma casinha de prazer, com uma arquitectura diferente desta que se enquadra numa grande quinta da capital que irá ser transformada num requintado hotel de cinco estrelas, bem no coração da cidade do Funchal.
What a beautiful shot !! This is so lovely !! Great post..Unseen Rajasthan
ReplyDeleteSmall house of pleasure? Lol. Sounds intriguing.
ReplyDeleteA nice photo and an interesting history of the "Casinhas de prazer". Thank you!
Thanks for your visit today. Funchal looks like a beautiful place!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful building. I would gladly sit inside to read and talk and have tea :)
ReplyDeleteI like the windows!