The Sailing Ship Cisne Branco is in Funchal. It is the third ship to bear this name in the Navy of Brazil. It was built at Damen shipyard in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
It held its inaugural trip to the crossing ceremony of the "500 years of discovery of Brazil", crossing the Atlantic in the same way as did Pedro Alvares Cabral in 1500.
It was delivered on February 4, 2000 in Lisbon, Portugal.
The Cisne Branco (white swan) arrived in the capital of Madeira on Sunday and anchored on east of city. On the end of the day go out to open sea. He returned on monday to enter into the port of Funchal for 10 hours. Get on 24 towards Mindelo, before hitting the course for Brazil.
Was constructed in order to represent the Navy of Brazil in large nautical events, promote maritime mentality in Brazilian society and also contribute to the training of seamen for the Navy of Brazil.
O Navio Veleiro Cisne Branco está no Funchal. É o terceiro navio a ostentar este nome na Marinha do Brasil. Foi construído no estaleiro Damen, em Amsterdão, Holanda.
Realizou a viagem inaugural com a travessia comemorativa dos "500 anos de Descobrimento do Brasil", cruzando o Atlântico da mesma forma que o fez Pedro Alvares Cabral em 1500. Foi entregue a 4 de fevereiro de 2000 em Lisboa, Portugal.
O navio chegou à capital da Madeira no domingo. Fundeou a este da cidade até levantar âncora e sair mais para o largo. Regressou para entrar entrar no porto do Funchal pelas 10 horas de segunda-feira. Sai no dia 24 rumo a Mindelo, antes de acertar o rumo para o Brasil.
Foi contruido com o intuito de representar a Marinha do Brasil em grandes eventos naúticos, fomentar a mentalidade marítima na sociedade brasileira e ainda contribuir para a formação de homens do mar para a Marinha do Brasil.
Lovely shot ! Beautiful !!
ReplyDeleteGreat info and a fine photo of the ship.
ReplyDeleteMuito bonito o veleiro. Interessante conhecer um navio brasileiro pelo seu blog! Grande foto!
ReplyDeleteYour timing was just right, Paulo! Wonderful photo of that spectacular ship out at sea!
ReplyDeleteWhat a magnificent ship! That shot is so beautiful.
ReplyDeleteI love boats like these but I never been on one with three masts and as big as this. I wonder how long does it take them to reach Brazil from the Madeiras.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful ship and wonderful photograph! Thanks for all the information about it.
ReplyDeleteMagnificent photo, thaks for visiting my blog, I too will follow yours.
It would be an exciting journey for them! Excellent pic.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful sailing boat. Nice shot.
ReplyDeleteSo So Beautiful!