Coat of arms belonging to the Convent of San Francisco built this place in the city center in the third quarter of the fifteenth century and demolished in the third quarter of the nineteenth century. In its place is now a public garden, the Jardim Municipal. About the convent juts only exist what the photo shows.
The city won a garden but lost, surely, a building with history.
It was a convent, with a large church and farms. It served as a hospital, prison, barracks, court and asylum. But someone wanted that, after voting in a drop, in place of the recovery and preservation, like who took a sponge and erase that legacy.
Elsewhere in the capital, an equally historic building, on the production of sugar on the island, was demolished on purpose to make also a public garden. All the rich heritage disappeared under cloaks of grass, plants and stones.
Pedra de armas pertencente ao Convento de São Francisco erigido neste local no cento da cidade no terceiro quartel do século XV e demolido no terceiro quartel do século XIX. No seu lugar está hoje um jardim público. Do convento só resta o que a fotografia mostra.
A cidade ganhou um jardim mas perdeu, concerteza, um edifício com História. Foi convento, com uma grande igreja e fazendas. Serviu de hospital, de prisão, de quartel, de tribunal e de asilo. Mas quis alguém que, depois de votado a algum abandono, em lugar da recuperação e preservação, se passasse uma esponja e apagasse aquele legado.
Noutra parte da capital, uma construção igualmente histórica, ligada à produção de açúcar na ilha, foi demolido propositadamente para fazer também um jardim público. Toda a riqueza patrimonial desapareceu sob mantos de relva, plantas e pedras.
I have to admit that I have mixed feelings about what happened. On the one hand, I like more plants in cities because we really need them. On the other hand, such a loss of heritage buildings is sad. It must have been a very tough decision to make.
ReplyDeleteThis is a beautiful marker and reminder.
I'm sure the gardens are nice, but what a shame it is to lose buildings so rich in history.